CSS VariablesΒΆ

All colors used by sphinx-design are defined as CSS variables. Therefore they can be overriden by adding a .css file in a _static folder in your projects source folder (see the sphinx documentation):

html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = ['custom.css']

For colors, there are nine semantic colors that can be defined. For each of these colors you should define:

  • --sd-color-{name} as the actual color

  • --sd-color-{name}-highlight as the color used when the component is highlighted (e.g. if hovering over a button). By default, this is a 15% darker version of the original color.

  • --sd-color-{name}-text as the color to use for text displayed on top of the color. By default, this is dark grey for light colors and white for dark colors.

The defaults are:

:root {
    --sd-color-primary: #007bff;
    --sd-color-secondary: #6c757d;
    --sd-color-success: #28a745;
    --sd-color-info: #17a2b8;
    --sd-color-warning: #f0b37e;
    --sd-color-danger: #dc3545;
    --sd-color-light: #f8f9fa;
    --sd-color-muted: #6c757d;
    --sd-color-dark: #212529;
    --sd-color-primary-highlight: #0069d9;
    --sd-color-secondary-highlight: #5c636a;
    --sd-color-success-highlight: #228e3b;
    --sd-color-info-highlight: #148a9c;
    --sd-color-warning-highlight: #cc986b;
    --sd-color-danger-highlight: #bb2d3b;
    --sd-color-light-highlight: #d3d4d5;
    --sd-color-muted-highlight: #5c636a;
    --sd-color-dark-highlight: #1c1f23;
    --sd-color-primary-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-secondary-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-success-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-info-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-warning-text: #212529;
    --sd-color-danger-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-light-text: #212529;
    --sd-color-muted-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-dark-text: #fff;
    --sd-color-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
    --sd-color-card-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
    --sd-color-card-border-hover: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1);
    --sd-color-card-background: transparent;
    --sd-color-card-text: inherit;
    --sd-color-card-header: transparent;
    --sd-color-card-footer: transparent;
    --sd-color-tabs-label-active: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1);
    --sd-color-tabs-label-hover: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1);
    --sd-color-tabs-label-inactive: hsl(0, 0%, 66%);
    --sd-color-tabs-underline-active: hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1);
    --sd-color-tabs-underline-hover: rgba(178, 206, 245, 0.62);
    --sd-color-tabs-underline-inactive: transparent;
    --sd-color-tabs-overline: rgb(222, 222, 222);
    --sd-color-tabs-underline: rgb(222, 222, 222);
    --sd-fontsize-tabs-label: 1rem;
    --sd-fontsize-dropdown-title: 1rem;
    --sd-fontweight-dropdown-title: 700;