# Badges, Buttons & Icons {octicon}`rocket` (badges)= ## Badges Inline badges can be used as a labelling component. Badges are available in each semantic color, with filled and outline variants: - {bdg}`plain badge` - {bdg-primary}`primary`, {bdg-primary-line}`primary-line` - {bdg-secondary}`secondary`, {bdg-secondary-line}`secondary-line` - {bdg-success}`success`, {bdg-success-line}`success-line` - {bdg-info}`info`, {bdg-info-line}`info-line` - {bdg-warning}`warning`, {bdg-warning-line}`warning-line` - {bdg-danger}`danger`, {bdg-danger-line}`danger-line` - {bdg-light}`light`, {bdg-light-line}`light-line` - {bdg-dark}`dark`, {bdg-dark-line}`dark-line` `````{dropdown} Syntax :icon: code :color: light ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/badge-basic.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/badge-basic.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ````` `bdg-link-` and `bdg-ref-` variants are also available for use with links and references. The syntax is the same as for the `ref` role. {bdg-link-primary}`https://example.com` {bdg-link-primary-line}`explicit title ` {bdg-ref-primary}`badges` `````{dropdown} Syntax :icon: code :color: light ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/badge-link.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/badge-link.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ````` See [Bootstrap badges](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/badge/) for more information, and related [Material Design chips](https://material.io/components/chip). (buttons)= ## Buttons Buttons allow users to navigate to external (`button-link`) / internal (`button-ref`) links with a single tap. ```{button-link} https://example.com ``` ```{button-link} https://example.com Button text ``` ```{button-link} https://example.com :color: primary :shadow: ``` ```{button-link} https://example.com :color: primary :outline: ``` ```{button-link} https://example.com :color: secondary :expand: ``` ```{button-ref} buttons :color: info ``` ```{button-ref} buttons :color: info Reference Button text ``` `````{dropdown} Syntax :icon: code :color: light ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/button-link.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/button-link.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ````` Note that by default sphinx converts the content of references to raw text. For example `**Bold text**` with `ref-type` set to `ref` will be rendered without bold: ```{button-ref} buttons :ref-type: ref :color: primary **Bold text** ``` However, if using [myst-parser](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/), you can set the `ref-type` to `myst`, and the content will be properly rendered: ```{button-ref} buttons :ref-type: myst :color: primary **Bold text** ``` Use the `click-parent` option to make the button's parent container also clickable. :::{card} Card with an expanded button ```{button-link} https://example.com :color: info :expand: :click-parent: ``` ::: See the [Material Design](https://material.io/components/buttons) and [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/buttons/) descriptions for further details. ### `button-link` and `button-ref` options ref-type (`button-ref` only) : Type of reference to use; `any` (default), `ref`, `doc`, or `myst` color : Set the color of the button (background and font). One of the semantic color names: `primary`, `secondary`, `success`, `danger`, `warning`, `info`, `light`, `dark`, `muted`. outline : Outline color variant align : Align the button on the page; `left`, `right`, `center` or `justify` expand : Expand to fit parent width click-parent : Make parent container also clickable tooltip : Add tooltip on hover shadow : Add shadow CSS class : Additional CSS classes (icons)= ## Inline Icons Inline icon roles are available for the [GitHub octicon](https://primer.style/octicons/), [Google Material Design Icons](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons), or [FontAwesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free) libraries. Octicon icons and Material icons are added as SVG's directly into the page with the `octicon` and `material-` roles. See below for the different flavors of Material Design Icons. By default the icon will be of height `1em` (i.e. the height of the font). A specific height can be set after a semi-colon (`;`) with units of either `px`, `em` or `rem`. Additional CSS classes can also be added to the SVG after a second semi-colon (`;`) delimiter. ### Octicon Icons A coloured icon: {octicon}`report;1em;sd-text-info`, some more text. ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/icon-octicon.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/icon-octicon.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ````{dropdown} All Octicons :open: ```{_all-octicon} ``` ```` ### Material Design Icons Material Design icons come as several flavors. Each flavor represents a different role used in sphinx-design. These flavors are: - `material-regular` - `material-outlined` - `material-round` - `material-sharp` - `material-twotone` Not all icons are available for each flavor, but most are. Instead of displaying the 10660+ icons here, you are encouraged to browse the available icons from the [Material Design Icons' showcase](https://fonts.google.com/icons) hosted by Google. - A regular icon: {material-regular}`data_exploration;2em`, some more text - A coloured regular icon: {material-regular}`settings;3em;sd-text-success`, some more text. - A coloured outline icon: {material-outlined}`settings;3em;sd-text-success`, some more text. - A coloured sharp icon: {material-sharp}`settings;3em;sd-text-success`, some more text. - A coloured round icon: {material-round}`settings;3em;sd-text-success`, some more text. - A coloured two-tone icon: {material-twotone}`settings;3em;sd-text-success`, some more text. ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/icon-material-design.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/icon-material-design.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ### FontAwesome Icons FontAwesome icons are added via the Fontawesome CSS classes. If the theme you are using does not already include the FontAwesome CSS, it should be loaded in your configuration from a [font-awesome CDN](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/font-awesome), with the [html_css_files](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#confval-html_css_files) option, e.g.: ```python html_css_files = [ "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.1.1/css/all.min.css" ] ``` Use either `fa` (deprecated in font-awesome v5), `fas`, `fab` or `far` for the role name. Note that not all regular style icons are free, `far` role only works with free ones. ````{warning} Since the FontAwesome icons are fetched directly from their distributed CSS, specifying a height/size to the `fa*` roles is not supported. However, you can always add your custom CSS class that controls the `font-size` property. If a height/size is supplied to a `fa*` role, then it will be interpreted as a CSS class. There can only be a maximum of 1 `;` in the `fa*` roles' arguments ```` ````{tab-set-code} ```markdown - An icon {fas}`spinner;sd-text-primary`, some more text. - An icon {fab}`github`, some more text. - An icon {fab}`gitkraken;sd-text-success fa-xl`, some more text. - An icon {fas}`skull;sd-text-danger`, some more text. ``` ```rst - An icon :fas:`spinner;sd-text-primary`, some more text. - An icon :fab:`github`, some more text. - An icon :fab:`gitkraken;sd-text-success fa-xl`, some more text. - An icon :fas:`skull;sd-text-danger`, some more text. ``` ```` - An icon {fas}`spinner;sd-text-primary`, some more text. - An icon {fab}`github`, some more text. - An icon {fab}`gitkraken;sd-text-success fa-xl`, some more text. - An icon {fas}`skull;sd-text-danger`, some more text. By default, icons will only be output in HTML formats. But if you want FontAwesome icons to be output on LaTeX, using the [fontawesome package](https://ctan.org/pkg/fontawesome), you can add to your configuration: ```python sd_fontawesome_latex = True ```