(special)= # Additional These are additional components that are not part of the standard Materials Design or Bootstrap systems. ## `article-info` This directive is used to display a block of information about an article, normally positioned just below the title of the article (shown below with non-standard outline). ```{article-info} :avatar: images/ebp-logo.png :avatar-link: https://executablebooks.org/ :avatar-outline: muted :author: Executable Books :date: "Jul 24, 2021" :read-time: "5 min read" :class-container: sd-p-2 sd-outline-muted sd-rounded-1 ``` `````{dropdown} Syntax :icon: code :color: light ````{tab-set-code} ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/myst/article-info.txt :language: markdown ``` ```{literalinclude} ./snippets/rst/article-info.txt :language: rst ``` ```` ````` The `author`, `date`, and `read-time` options are parsed as syntax, so you can use substitutions like: - `date` - MyST: `` :date: "{sub-ref}`today`" `` - RST: `:data: |today|` - `read-time` - MyST: `` :read-time: "{sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read" `` ### options avatar : A URI (relative file path or URL) to an image for use as the avatar (a user portrait, logo or branded graphic). avatar-alt : Alternative text for the avatar. avatar-link : A URL to link to if the avatar icon is clicked. avatar-outline : A semantic color to use for the outline of the avatar. author : Text to display in the author of of the article. date : Text to display in the date of the article. read-time : Text to indicate the time to read the article. class-container : Additional CSS classes for the container element. class-avatar : Additional CSS classes for the avatar element.